Create sustainability through people. This site explains how.
Create sustainability through people. This site explains how.

Credits – Namiya Jain

The BEC Approach

The Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) is a model focusing on collaborative sustainability in Canadian cities. This approach, proven over a decade, divides sustainability into 10 Themes for easy understanding and action. BEC uses targeted  Tools to engage individuals and organizations in sustainable practices, build a culture of sustainability, and streamline the path towards a sustainable future.

Vancouver water and highway during sunset
Photo by Adrian Yu on Unsplash

Our mission

Achieve a sustainable Vancouver Region by engaging people and stakeholders, and building cooperation, knowledge, and capacity for positive change.


Discover how you can play a part:

Join the movement towards a more sustainable Vancouver!

Whether you’re an individual passionate about making a difference, a community group looking to contribute, or a business wanting to play its part in sustainability, there is a place for you in the Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) initiative. From volunteering in projects or sharing innovative ideas, every action counts.

Ready to make an impact?


Contribute your time and skills to meaningful projects.


Your group, organization or business can partner with BEC on activities you value.


Learn more about sustainability and share the knowledge.


Add your own ideas and bring your sustainable solutions to life.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Developing Vancouver Database of Sustainability Projects

Volunteers are creating short summaries of sustainability projects in urban and rural Vancouver. There you will be able to learn what is already happening in your city and contact project owners for more information if desired. This accessible database will be organized according to the 10 Themes of Sustainability so you can focus on what most interests you (energy, food, habitat, health etc.).

Sustainability Themes

These are the broad action areas in which we achieve sustainability. Biosphere Eco-City projects are generally focussed on one or two themes.

Tools of engagement

Biosphere Eco-City volunteers have developed tools that make it easier to engage people in sustainability. These provide learning, and often lead to projects. These six have been developed since 2009.

The Database contains summaries of sustainability projects in a city. Viewers can see
projects under each of the Themes on a website. They learn what is happening and can
contact project developers for more information.

These are projects that are presented to reveal methods used to achieve sustainability.
Like a demonstration project in any field, it can test and idea, inspire, and lead to other

Members of a school, community, or organization come together to develop ideas on
how they can address issues under the ten Themes of Sustainability. This is normally
done by part of the larger group in a workshop, and the results of discussions are
synthesized to create a plan for the whole group.

This is a periodic meeting of representatives from organization or stakeholder groups
that would like to discuss opportunities for sustainability. The mixed discussions lead to
project proposals that may be put forward for implementation by any organization.

The public is invited to hear several speakers discussing different aspects of one
Theme of Sustainability. Questions and answers relate to the audience’s interests.
Following table talks may propose actions to address issues and opportunities raised in
the workshop.

This is a variation on a Theme Workshop, but only needs a single speaker. That person
will make a presentation on a Theme which will stimulate a free group discussion. It is
called a Tree Talk, because it takes place outdoors under the trees. This Tools was
developed during COVID but continues as a popular event.

The Biosphere and Us

Understanding our relationship with the Earth


What do we mean by Biosphere, Biome, and Ecosystem? 

The Biosphere, Biomes, and Ecosystems are all natural elements of the Earth. At one time, we lived in balance with these elements. This is no longer the case, however. Human activity on Earth has disturbed this balance and the imbalance now threatens us.

"Unsustainable human activity has disturbed humanity’s balance with the Biosphere, Biomes, and Ecosystems"

We can help

Human activity is responsible for this imbalance and Humanity needs to correct it. We can take action in a way that is ambitious, yet simple, to help restore the balance. But before we take action, we need to understand those three natural elements – Biosphere, Biome and Ecosystem – and how Humanity relates to them:

Get Engaged in Vancouver Biosphere Eco-City
We Welcome participation in BEC Projects, Volunteers, and Ideas
If you would like to know more or join Vancouver BEC, Please Visit our Contact Page

Get Engaged in Vancouver Biosphere Eco-City
We Welcome participation in BEC Projects, Volunteers, and Ideas
If you would like to know more or join Vancouver BEC, Please Visit our Contact Page​